Legal Resources
Attorney General's Office
Labor and Business Practices (617) 727-8400
Consumer Protection (617) 728-8700
Community Legal Aid (855) 252-5342
Counsel on Aging- Greenfield (413) 772-1555
District Attorney's Office
Consumer Protection (413) 774-3186
Victim/Witness Assistance (413) 772-6944
Disability Law Center (800) 222-5619
Disabled Person Protections Commission (800) 426-9009
Edlaw Project (617) 910-5829
Franklin County Law Library (413) 775-7482
Greenfield Court Service Center (413) 775-7483
MA Advocates for Children (617) 357-8431 x3224
MA Commission on Discrimination (617) 994-6000
MA Bar Associaton Lawyer Referral Service
MA Bar Association Dial-A-Lawyer (877) 686-0711
MA Immigrant and Refuge Advocacy (617) 350-5480
Mass Legal Answers Online (ABA)
New England Center for Women in Transition
(NELCWIT) (413) 772-0806
Senior Legal Helpline (800) 342-5297
Veterans Justice (413) 441-0665
*This list of legal and community services is meant to help direct you to an organization that may be able to help with your legal needs. We can not guarantee that the list is up to date as some of this information may change. We are not associated with any of the organizations listed. If you would like to suggest and organization be added or edited please contact the FCBA.