Please use this form to complete your application.
First Name:*
Last Name:*
BBO Number:
Date Admitted to MA Bar:
Other State or Federal Bar Admissions:
Legal Practice Areas:
Law Firm:
Website Referrals ''Find an Attorney'' Listing:*
Please Include with Website Listing: (Brief Bio)
Please Exclude from Website Listing::
To include an attoreny photo or firm logo on the website "Find an Attorney" listing, please email an image to
Annual Dues:*
Judges/Retirees Donation:
**Sustaining Membership: The Executive Committee encourages lawyers to elect this dues option as a special means of demonstrating their support of the FCBA and it's programs. As a Sustaining Member, the attorney’s name will appear monthly in the FCBA newsletter, The Franklin County Lawyer and will be featured prominently on the FCBA website. If all attorneys at a firm become Sustaining Members, the firm’s name will also be listed on the website and in the newsletter.
*A small fee has been added to each membership level when paying online due to PayPal fees.
Community Fund Donation:
Other Amount:
Please tell me more about:
Your Wednesday Color*
You will be asked to submit any payments on the next page.
Submit Form
Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.