• 20 Federal Street, Suite 4
  • Greenfield, MA 01301
  • Phone: 413-773-9839
  • Fax: 413-774-2994

Franklin County Bar Association

The purposes of the Franklin County Bar Association shall be to maintain the honor of the profession and promote a high standard of professional and judicial conduct;
to promote the administration of justice, the continuing legal education of its members and the general public; and to foster and encourage cooperation and fellowship among its members.

Supporting justice, excellence in the legal profession, and congeniality among peers since 1812.

4th Annual Thomas W. Merrigan Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament & Banquet
Upcoming: May 5th, 2025
Crumpin-Fox Golf Club

Sponsor or Register Here

Franklin County Court House


Applications Due April 1,2025 by 5pm.

The Franklin County Bar Association Community Fund is proud to announce that this year it will be awarding six (6) Thomas W. Merrigan Memorial Scholarship Awards in the amount of $1,000.00 to deserving high school students in Franklin County. The scholarship awards honor Thomas W. Merrigan who was a zealous legal advocate, writer, and believer in the importance of education.

The Scholarship Committee will be considering academic and personal achievement and the quality of the essay. The essay prompt is reflective of the 2025 American Bar Association Law Day theme: “The Constitution's Promise: Out of Many, One".

To request an application please email, FCBAcommunityfund@gmail.com
